Rotation and Static Seals
NMF specialises in the supply of solutions for customer specific sealing issues. The description of the products below give only a fraction of the possibilities. Our goal is to advise on sealing issues and to supply solutions for your troublesome applications. The range of our radial lipseals offer almost unlimited possibilities for sealing fluids, fluids with solids and gasseous media for rotating shafts. With many different elastomers most media can be sealed. Series available for maxima of 8, 12 or 150 bar, depending on the rotational speed. The Radial Lipseal was designed especially to resist high pressures combined with high rotational speeds. The biggest advantage is the relatively low radial force with which the seallips are pressed on the shaft. They can be supplied in several models with EC1935:2004 certificates and are FDA compliant. Our Mechanical Seals are extremely versatile and can be supplied in an abundance of types and materials and have many solutions for specific problems in many types of industry. A good example is a seal for compressed air, 1,500 rpm and no flow. Ernst Industries developes and manufactures seals and sealing systems for valves, heat exchangers, air coolers and manholes. Very suitable for extremely difficult sealing situations where extra effort is needed for secure sealing and a long life. Certification according to TA-Luft, Live-Loading, BAM or Fire Safe (ISO 10497:2004) can be supplied. Spetech is one of the few European manufacturers of Camprofiles, spiral wounds, ring joints and such. A very large and complete range of products is avaliable as well as many custom made seals. Dimensions upo to 6,000 mm Ø. The Manoy seals are supplied in PTFE-compounds in many forms. And again, many non-standart models, forms and for difficult applications.
Swivel Joints
Swivel joints are precision components for the connection between stationary pipes (or hoses) and rotating parts of machines. The function is the transport of gaseous, liquid or semi-solid substances (e.g. oil, steam, cooling liquids) from and to machines. They are also used in movable pipe systems, like swivelling pipe systems, or loading arms and as reduction of mechanical forces on hose and are an important construction element. Depending on the application more than one canal can be necessary for the inflow and outflow of media. The number of canals can vary from 2 up to 35, separated effectively by seals. Application examples are rotating manipulators, presses, cranes, hose reels, paper making machines, loading arms for trucks or railway carts, floating rooftop rain drain systems, etc. Combinations with electrical rotary unions are possible. Another special swivel is the rotary union. It is developed for a continuous rotating of a swivel in applications for cooling or heating or steam. By combining several programs, it is possible to quote a swivel joint for an application in almost every situation. The swivel joints can be supplied in standard and special execution, steel, stainless steel, bronze, aluminium, from 1/8" up to 30" in diameter, etc. Tell us your needs and we shall quote you a swivel joint.
Loading equipment
With loading equipment is meant the traditional loading arms, hose loading arms, folding stairs and gantries. Traditional loading arms consist of steel swivel joints and pipes. The quality of the loading arms is mainly defined by the quality of the swivel joints. The systems are designed to customer specifications where the long experience of NMF guaranties a qualitative good product for a reasonable price. A special loading arm designed by NMF is the hose loading arm. Everybody knows the disadvantages of the hose on the floor. NMF developed a system lifting the hose of the floor ensuring environmental protection and better working circumstances. Folding stairs are another NMF development. Supplied in standard width of 800 mm up to 10 meter. Separate cages can be supplied up to 10 m wide.